
Showing posts from November, 2015

Weekly Blog

Citation: Lightning Summary: During this week, our team worked on our scrip t for the counter argument and our video. A lso, we decided on a city in West Virgi nia called Clarksburg. SP8 : Ano ther thing we did this week was finish our map of the USA on the natural disasters. TO w ere Thunderstorms, TS w ere Tsunamis, EQ were Earthquakes, and so on. Then we went on to our Google Presentation so when we presented our science project, which was " The Safest Place in America ", we put in reasons like wh y Clarksburg, West Vir ginia, USA was the safest place in America. Also, we chose this place because West Virginia had no natural disasters .

Weekly Blog

Citation: West Virginia Map Summary: Durin g this week my team and I decided on Fairmon t, West Virginia because there were practically no dangerous hazards, plus our first choice, C harleston , had way to many people. SP8: Also , West Virginia has a lot of universiti es and colleges and we thought that we should choose that.