Weekly Blog 11/30 - 12/7

Citation: Soil Erosion
EasyBib Citation: N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Dec. 2015.

Summary: During this week, I learned that soil erosion is a naturally occurring process that affects all land forms. In agriculture, soil erosion refers to the wearing away of a field's topsoil by the natural physical forces of water and wind or through forces associated with farming activities such as tillage. Soil covers much of the land on Earth. It is made up of minerals, rock, sand, clay, silt, air, water, and organic material (matter from dead plants and animals).

SP8: Another thing we did this week was fill out a resource sheet (Research Sheet,) and answered questions such as, "What is soil?" Or "How is soil formed?" I learned really interesting facts, for example, I never knew that the soil profile was so important. "The soil profile is one of the most important concepts in soil science. It is a key to understanding the processes that have taken in soil development and is the means of determining the types of soil that occur and is the basis for their classification." I also didn't know that there were different types of soil, "There are three main types of soil—clay, sandy, and loamy. There are also other types of soil, depending on the type of underlying rock and the climate and vegetation. Loams are a mixture of clay, sand, and silt, and are more fertile than other soils. Acidic peaty soils are made up of rotting plants."


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