Project Blog - Superhero

Summary: Over the course of our superhero project, we had to study heredity, genetics, and other miscellaneous DNA topics (phenotypes and genotypes). While doing this project, I learned that genotypes are represented by a letter (capitalized - dominant, lower-cased - recessive) and that letter represents the phenotype. For example, my superhero had red hair. The phenotype to represent that would be R and r. Her genotype for her hair would be Rr.

Backward-Looking: How much did you know about the subject before we started? I knew a little bit, but nothing spectacular - for one, I knew a little about genetics and DNA - all through reading and using context clues (thanks, I-Ready!) and a little about phenotypes and genotypes when I saw it on the board about five months ago (I copied it down in my notebook and searched it up when I got home).

Inward-Looking: What does this piece tell you about yourself and how you learn? This piece tells me that I don't need to build something in order to learn it - drawing it out helps me see it visually (and better yet, learn it through writing!) as well as learn the material. This piece also tells me that I prefer to write and draw to learn things instead of build a visual model.

Outward-Looking: What grade would you give it and why? The grade that I would give this project is an A-, because I didn't have time to finish adding in the specific aspects of the four body changes physically on the drawing of our villain. Another reason why I would give this project an A- is because I was unaware that we had to make our villain better than our superhero, so I made my villain weaker than my superhero (which kind of makes sense - the villain is the bad side of our superhero).

Forward-Looking: What would you change if you had a chance to do this piece over again? I would change the strengths of the alter-ego form of our superhero so that the villain was stronger than the superhero (which I didn't do, unfortunately). I would also

Image link: Screenshot Of Origin Story


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