
Showing posts from May, 2017

Weekly Blog Post - Clean Cities

Summary:  During this week, I learned about different clean cities, such as Washington D.C. where a single person changed the food people ate through a restaurant that she created. This restaurant used proper, organic produce to create healthy foods. SP1: Asking testable and/or scientific questions. I communicated my findings clearly when I presented my clean city to my classmates indicating clearly that Burlington, Vermont had switched over from a coal burning plant to a biomass plant that used solar, wind, hydro, and other organic sources as fuel.  Image link:  What did one titration say to the other? "Let's meet at the endpoint ."

Weekly Blog Post - Environmental Accords

Summary:  During this week, I learned about environmental accords and why we need them. I also learned about clean cities (for example Burlington, Vermont). I also learned that Burlington was a place in Vermont ( so shocking, right?). SP1: Asking testable and/or scientific questions. I asked   scientific questions when we were writing our essay for our environmental accords. One of our accords was water purifying and I asked, "Is there a way to desalinate it without it costing so much money? What if we used a filtering system in the same way someone would filter out salt from water with a paper filter?" Image link:  Why are chemists great at solving problems? They have all the solutions.

Weekly Blog Post - Acids and Bases

Summary:  During this week, I learned more about acids such as the pH scale which determines what is an acid or a base (anything less than 7 is an acid and anything more than 7 is a base). I also learned that a base mixed with an acid creates pure water (pH of 7). I also learned about what qualified as an acid and a base through this disturbing(ly) interesting game called Alien Juice Bar (the aliens have a weird taste in beverages).  SP1: Asking testable and/or scientific questions. I asked   scientific questions when we were completing a fascinating activity with citric acid and water such as "What would happen if I poured in all the citric acid and mixed it with the water? Would it turn into such an acid that it would eat through the metal of my pencil?" Image link:  What did one titration say to the other? "Let's meet at the endpoint ."