
Showing posts from May, 2018

Weekly Blog Post - "Teach the Class" (5|21|18 - 5|17|18)

Summary:  During this week, some of the groups in my class taught us on different topics. Two of my classmates decided to teach us about black holes, which I found very interesting. I learned that if you entered a black hole and became spaghettified, you would really just become a long string of atoms. (So really more clarification on spaghettification.) I also learned that virtually anything could become a black hole if it were compressed to a small enough size. I also learned that there were four different types of black holes. Another thing I learned about black holes were the three main parts of a black hole: the singularity point, the ergosphere, and the event horizon. SP1: Asking questions and defining problems.  I asked questions such as, "If a black hole were to replace our sun, how would the solar system continue functioning?" and "Assuming there is a black hole in the center of the Milky Way, and assuming there is a black hole in the center of An...

Weekly Blog Post - "How Elements React" (5|14|18 - 5|20|18)

Summary:  During this week, I reviewed element reactions for my science final project. Our final project requires that we have an interactive "element" (haha see what I did there?) so the rest of the class can be more engaged with the lesson. So for our interactive, we're going with the elephant toothpaste. While researching how the elephant toothpaste works, I learned that in the kid-friendly version, yeast acts a catalyst and the bubbles in the foam from the experiment are a remainder of when the hydrogen peroxide breaks into the water and oxygen. The catalyst is the same when the yeast is swapped out for sodium iodide. I learned that the catalyst is used to speed up the reaction. I also learned that the elephant toothpaste/exploding toothpaste creates an exothermic reaction, meaning the result will give off heat. This is why in the adult version of elephant toothpaste, it is recommended not to touch the foam. (And also because most adult versions use 30% hy...

Weekly Blog Post - "Stress" (5|7|18 - 5|13|18)

Summary:  During this week, I learned about stress. I learned that when you're stressed out, your brain releases a chemical called cortisol. I also learned that too much stress can cause the hippocampus and your frontal lobe to shrink. This means that nerve connections can be destroyed, which causes heart failure. (Because nerve signals aren't reaching the heart, so the heart stops pumping blood.) SP1: Asking questions and defining problems.  I asked questions such as, "Who named stress?" and "If one stresses about a specific thing, will that thing be worked into their dreams because they worried about it so much?"  Image Link:  Two blood cells met and fell in love... Alas, it was all in vein.