Weekly Blog Post - "Stress" (5|7|18 - 5|13|18)

Summary: During this week, I learned about stress. I learned that when you're stressed out, your brain releases a chemical called cortisol. I also learned that too much stress can cause the hippocampus and your frontal lobe to shrink. This means that nerve connections can be destroyed, which causes heart failure. (Because nerve signals aren't reaching the heart, so the heart stops pumping blood.)

SP1: Asking questions and defining problems. I asked questions such as, "Who named stress?" and "If one stresses about a specific thing, will that thing be worked into their dreams because they worried about it so much?" 
Image Link: Two blood cells met and fell in love... Alas, it was all in vein.


Anonymous said…
Hahaha this is a good one!

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