Weekly Blog Post - "Teach the Class" (5|21|18 - 5|17|18)

Summary: During this week, some of the groups in my class taught us on different topics. Two of my classmates decided to teach us about black holes, which I found very interesting. I learned that if you entered a black hole and became spaghettified, you would really just become a long string of atoms. (So really more clarification on spaghettification.) I also learned that virtually anything could become a black hole if it were compressed to a small enough size. I also learned that there were four different types of black holes. Another thing I learned about black holes were the three main parts of a black hole: the singularity point, the ergosphere, and the event horizon.

SP1: Asking questions and defining problems. I asked questions such as, "If a black hole were to replace our sun, how would the solar system continue functioning?" and "Assuming there is a black hole in the center of the Milky Way, and assuming there is a black hole in the center of Andromeda, how would the two black holes interact with each other if Andromeda collided with us? Would we notice at all?" 

Image Link: Copernicus’ parents might deserve some of the credit for his great discovery. Apparently, at the age of twelve they said to him: “Copernicus, young man, when are you going to realize that the world does NOT revolve around you.”


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