
Showing posts from March, 2017

Weekly Blog Post - Isotopes and Ions

Summary: During this week, I learned what an ion was as well as what a cation or an anion was. In fact, I learned that an ion was an atom that lost or gained electrons, which have a negative charge and orbit the atom in what our teacher called "energy levels" which appears to be a very fitting name. I also learned that an anion was an atom that gained electrons while a cation was an atom that lost electrons, so it had a positive charge whereas an anion had a negative charge. I also learned about isotopes, such as an isotope was an element with a different number of neutrons - take selenium, for example. It's mass number (the number of protons plus the number of neutrons) is 50, but that's only with 34 protons and 16 neutrons. Or it can have 55 as its mass number, but that only works with 34 protons and 21 neutrons. SP1: Asking testable and/or scientific questions. I asked   scientific questions when I was completing our energy levels (1-20) worksheet, where...

Weekly Blog Post - RMS Titanic Discussion

I used the snipping tool to take a screenshot of the Titanic when it began to sink at the angle mentioned. Summary: During this week, I was learned how to find out the density of something using this formula: D=m/v, in which m equals mass and v equals volume. I also learned why & how the RMS Titanic sank (and the why would technically be the iceberg). I learned the how  through a class discussion, and here is what I picked up: the RMS (Royal Mail or Royal Merchant Steamer) Titanic sank when water entered a hole in the hull (which is the body of the ship) and dragged the ship down at what I could only assume was a 9 degree angle due to the placement of the hole. From there, the ship was dragged down after the stern went up as if it were to capsize. When it was halfway into the water, it snapped in half and the bow went down, breaking apart due to the sea pressure. Soon after, the stern would follow suit and break apart, from what I picked up in our class discussion. ...

Weekly Blog Post - Build an Atom

Click to activate. Summary:  During this week we completed a Javascript activity called Build an Atom, where we had to add protons, neutrons, and electrons and see what type of atom they made. When we did this, I learned that SP1: Asking testable and/or scientific questions. I asked   scientific questions when I was looking at the activity such as "Is it possible to have too many protons?" or "How many electrons does it take to equal the mass of the nucleus in an atom?" Image link:  They told me I had Type A blood, but it was a Type-O.

Weekly Blog Post - Forest Ecosystem Gizmo

Summary: During this week, I was mainly absent due to illness. However, on the two days in which I did make an appearance, I learned about water efficiency and found out how to calculate the average water efficiency and I did the Gizmo on the right, which was about bears and trees. Once again, I didn't learn anything from this, but what I knew was that trees will still thrive even when there is no other organism around because they do not rely on other organisms for food - they make their own. SP1: Asking testable and/or scientific questions. I asked   scientific questions when I was looking at the gizmo such as "How long will it take for the trees to die off because of overpopulation?" and "Why does it seem that the mushrooms aren't reproducing and spreading around?" Another question that I asked was "Why do the mushrooms grow in clumps?" Image link:  A cartoonist was found dead in his apartment. Details are sketchy.

Weekly Blog Post - Biology

Summary: During this week, we learned about biology and the animals and plants of the rainforest, such as a coral snake, which has vibrant bands of black, red, and yellow, to warn off predators and prey that this is a snake that carries venom. There wasn't really anything that I didn't "learn" because of the books that I've read, and all the nature documentaries that I watched. However, some of the things that I learned included how leaf cutter ants grow fungus, like termites, to grow their food. I also learned that a mother frog carries her babies (aka tadpoles) on her back and then releases them in a small pool of water gathered in the dipping canoe-like leaves of a plant. SP1: Asking testable and/or scientific questions. I asked   scientific questions when I was watching the rainforest documentary, such as does the coral snake a "venom gland"? If it does have a "venom gland", where is it located? Image link:  I stayed up all night t...