Weekly Blog Post - RMS Titanic Discussion

I used the snipping tool to take a screenshot of
the Titanic when it began to sink at the angle mentioned.
Summary: During this week, I was learned how to find out the density of something using this formula: D=m/v, in which m equals mass and v equals volume. I also learned why & how the RMS Titanic sank (and the why would technically be the iceberg). I learned the how through a class discussion, and here is what I picked up: the RMS (Royal Mail or Royal Merchant Steamer) Titanic sank when water entered a hole in the hull (which is the body of the ship) and dragged the ship down at what I could only assume was a 9 degree angle due to the placement of the hole. From there, the ship was dragged down after the stern went up as if it were to capsize. When it was halfway into the water, it snapped in half and the bow went down, breaking apart due to the sea pressure. Soon after, the stern would follow suit and break apart, from what I picked up in our class discussion.

SP1: Asking testable and/or scientific questions. I asked scientific questions when I was looking at the Nat. Geo CGI recount of how the Titanic sank like "What angle did the Titanic sink at?" or "What was the sea water pressure in which the parts of the Titanic began to break off?"

Image link: A photon checks into a hotel and is asked if he needs any help with his luggage. He says, "No, I'm traveling light."


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