Weekly Blog Post - Castle Mendeleev

Summary: During this week, I learned about the different elements including sulfur (my favorite!), magnesium, and neon. In fact, I learned that phosphorus (P) glows in the dark (it is because of oxygenthere is a chemical reaction that takes place on the surface of phosphorus, thus emitting what is described as a faint glow). Another thing that I learned was that chlorine (Cl) "burns your nostrils" when inhaled and takes on a yellowish-green tint. Another thing that I learned about chlorine was that it is a halogen, which is part of Group VIIA (known as 17).

SP1: Asking testable and/or scientific questions. I asked scientific questions when I was entering in the passwordsno, scratching in the symbol to get into the next rooms (SPOILER ALERT! It's really just the chemical sign of the element) such as, "What element could mix with sulfur and create a nuclear reaction?" or "If phosphorus is chemically bonded with argon, would that create an atomic bomb?"

Image link: Organic chemistry is difficult. Those who study it have alkynes of trouble.


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