Weekly Blog Post - "Galaxies" (4|23|18 - 4|29|18)
Summary: During this week, I learned... nothing again. We went over the different types of galaxies, such as spiral galaxies, elliptical galaxies, peculiar galaxies, and irregular galaxies. (The galaxy shown is the Sombrero Galaxy and is a spiral galaxy.) I know that spiral galaxies have spiraling arms, hence the name spiral galaxy. I also know that the Milky Way is a spiral galaxy and the Andromeda galaxy is also a spiral galaxy and is nearly like the Milky Way except that it has many more stars.
SP1: Asking questions and defining problems. I asked questions such as, "Why are comets and asteroids discovered when they are far from our sun?" and "What is the density of a black hole?" I asked other question such as, "Will the universe go back to nothing? Will that event be called the Big Crunch?"
Image Link: A neutrino walks into a bar... and keeps going.