Weekly Blog: Experiments!

What we did this week was swap tables and talk to people at the other table about our experiment for 3 minutes. Then after 3 minutes, we switched roles and then the other person - the person who was across from us, the person who SAT at that table - would tell us about their experiment. Example: I was switched to Table 7, and one person who I got to talk to was Gabriella Zaccheo, and her experiment was about which would fall faster - toilet paper, or tissue paper - . It was interesting because the Tissue paper fell faster than the toilet paper.

SP8: Obtain, evaluate and communicate information:
 I communicated findings clearly and persuasively when I presented my experiment to Table 7. What I presented was that I said what my experiment was about. Another thing I said was what my results were for my project. I also shared my conclusion.  

Here is the link to this picture: Science Stopwatch Picture


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