The Biome

Summary: During this week, our class had to do a project on a biome. My team (which was really only two people because our third person was sick) chose the hot & dry desert biome. We had to make a website or an 'online product' about our selected biome. In this case, it was the desert biome. What I learned was how humans had a pretty big impact on the desert-and not in a good way. I also learned lots of interesting stuff about the desert, like how much water it gets a year. Before, I never really considered the desert like this. Most of my thoughts were just that it was too warm for my liking. That was it. Now, because our team did the desert biome, I realize that it's a very fragile biome. 

Backward-Looking: What I knew about the desert before we started this project was that it was too warm, got little rain, and had barely any resources to sustain human life there. I also knew that many reptiles happened to live there because they were cold-blooded and depended on the temperature. Another thing that I knew was that the desert had cacti. 

Inward-Looking: I feel proud on our work because I feel like we worked extremely hard (I did the website, my teammates did our presentation & script). What I particularly liked was how our website turned out. It had definitions for words that some people may not know, and I feel like I gave some good suggestions on how to save the desert. I didn't dislike anything because I felt like I did a good job.

Outward-Looking: The grade I would give myself would be about an A. The reason why I say this is because I worked hard on the website, I was constantly doing something to help out. I was also contributing when asked to, and when asked to work on the website, I did it immediately if I promised I would.

Forward-Looking: I wouldn't change anything if I had a chance to do this piece over again unless there were grammar mistakes, punctuation mistakes, or if I forgot a source that made the website possible. Overall, I felt like I did a good job and I don't need to fix anything.


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