Project Blog (12|5|16 - 12|11|16) - CHARITY FAIR (The American Red Cross and Flint, MI Water Crisis)

Summary: During this week, my team and I worked on our Charity Fair IGNITE presentation. What I learned through the making of our IGNITE presentation was that we needed to have pictures and minimal text. One other thing that I learned through the making of our IGNITE presentation was that Flint, MI is being used as a target practice for the army to test their bombs and that the bombing takes place in a small region called "Ghost Town". Another thing that I learned was that General Motors and the government were being given clean water to drink while the people of Flint were given poisoned water that was filled with lead and other toxins.

Backward-Looking: In what ways have you gotten better at this kind of work? I have gotten better at this kind of work because I have had to make many presentations in the past along with the fact that in my Advanced Elective (engineering) class, we were told to make an IGNITE presentation for our Sound Amplification project, which gives me the experience of creating an IGNITE presentation. I have also gotten better at this kind of work because we were given note cards and on our scripts, we didn't write a lot - just the key concepts so it's easier for us to remember what to say just by looking at some bullet points rather than trying to fit in two paragraphs worth of text into our memory.

Inward-Looking: How do you feel about this piece of work? What parts of it do you particularly like? Dislike? Why? What did/do you enjoy about this piece of work? I feel very proud and satisfied with my presentation because of how I presented and how much money my team and I raised (we raised $80 - 27 more than last year!). The parts of the Charity Fair that I enjoyed the most was presenting - it made me feel good that I was letting parents know about Flint's water crisis and the bombing so they could make a change. My only dislike was how little time we had and how we couldn't start sooner. i also enjoyed selling our products and visiting others during my break while I attended the Charity Fair.

Outward-Looking: Did you do your work the way other people did theirs? in what ways did you do it differently? in what ways was your work or process similar? Yes, I did do my work the way others did theirs - we presented the problem first then told about our charity so our audience would become interested in our charity and support by buying our products. Some ways we presented our work different was by explaining the problem in more depth than our charity. Our process was similar to those around us because we had to follow the same rules for our presentation - we were only allowed to have minimal text (as I mentioned before) such as "Flint, MI Water Crisis" or "Thanks For Watching".

Forward-Looking: What would you change if you had a chance to do this piece over again? I would change the timeliness of our presentation - sometimes we talked too fast on other slides and at other times we were exceptionally slow. It also didn't help that we had nine slides and that we had one too many. So in other words, I would change how fast we were talking and how many slides would be in our presentation depending on what we would say.


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