Weekly Blog Post - "Peppered Moths" (10|23|17 - 10|29|17)

Summary: During this week, I completed the Peppered Moths guided notes, where we had to study the lives of the peppered moths (biston betularia) and find out why they've become the prime example of natural selection. To be honest, I'd already known a little bit about peppered moths, such as their genus and coloring, so really, there wasn't anything new for me to learn, except that the first time that someone saw a dark-colored peppered moth was in 1848, when a scientist named RS Edleston wrote it down in his journal.

SP1: Asking questions and defining problems. I asked questions when we were completing our Peppered Moths Guided Notes such as, "When the trees became polluted, did the peppered moths' color change because of how dark the trees were?", "Who came up with the idea that peppered moths were an example of natural selection?", and "What do the larvae of the moths eat?" 

Image Link: Peppered Moths Comparison (Dark to Light Color)


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