Project Blog Post - "Evolution: Designer Species" (11|27|17-12|3|17)

Evolution: Designer Species - Project Blog Post

Summary: This project was when we had to research different species and combine them to create an entirely new species, which would then live on an unnamed planet. Our species was an Owlinex, a cross between a kit fox, a porcupine, and a burrowing owl. What I learned about through this project was that a burrowing owl can reach a height of 7 1/2 - 10 inches and that the owl's wingspan can reach between 21-24 inches. I also learned that a kit fox is the smallest member of the dog "family".

Backward-Looking: How much did you know about the subject before we started? I knew that lots of animals were connected to ancient animals, such as the burrowing owl, which is linked back to a common ancestor among birds- the archaeopteryx. I also knew that birds may be linked to another bird-like dinosaur- the Archaeornithomimus.

Inward-Looking: How do you feel about this piece of work? What parts of it do you particularly like/dislike? Why? What did/do you enjoy about this piece/work?
 I feel proud of this piece of work because of the amount of time that I spent trying to make it look presentable and trying to balance out the traits with weaknesses so we could have a developed species. The parts that I particularly like are the parts of which I could sketch and design the animal and the parts that I disliked were the parts when I had to draw the quills of our animal (as we hadn't determined the thickness of them...).

Outward-Looking: If someone else were looking at the piece, what might they learn about who you are? If someone else was looking at our finished piece, they'd learn that I prefer to depict my learning through art and that I prefer to make balanced species that have good weaknesses so they're balanced and a lot more enjoyable to view and grade. They'd also learn that I like to do the drawing when it comes to group projects and that I like to brainstorm ideas with a team of other people.

Forward-Looking: What would you like to spend more time on in school? I would like to spend more time on learning about biology, but to be more specific, I would like to spend more time about avian creatures and sea organisms. I would also like to spend more time learning about how to smoothly animate (like the old Walt Disney movies; The Little Mermaid, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, etc.) on an animating software known as TVPaint and how to import set backgrounds and character sketches (to go over so I can smoothly animate- maybe we could have a giant mass project like the Charity Fair, and base it off of the SVA, where the students there have to make thesis films for the year, although to create a 2 minute animation takes several months...) from a painting software known as Paint Tool SAI. And if the animating portion doesn't come true, then like I said, I would like to pursue my interest in zoology/biology. And once again, to be more specific, I would like to spend time on ornithology (the study of birds) and marine biology.

Image Link: The optimist sees the glass half full. The pessimist sees the glass half empty. The chemist sees the glass completely full, half with liquid and half with air.


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