Project Blog Post - "Roller Coaster Project" (2|12|18 - 2|16|18)

Roller Coaster - Project Blog Post
Summary: This project was when we had to create a prototype of a roller coaster and use a marble as the car. The objective of the roller coaster project was to learn about physics and to make sure we could design a roller coaster in which the marble would stay on the track. 

Backward-Looking: How much did you know about the subject before we started? I knew only a little bit-- I knew what scalar and vector quantities were, and who discovered gravity, but aside from that, I didn't know about anything else. 

Inward-Looking: How do you feel about this piece of work? What parts of it do you particularly like/dislike? Why? What did/do you enjoy about this piece/work?
 I disliked this piece of work. I felt like it didn't represent my best work and I never believed it would actually work because the marble would always fall off the track. It was too messy because of all the tape we used to make our track smoother and because we had to hot glue the pipe down. (Fun fact: hot glue or the tip of a hot glue gun will melt through styrofoam.)

Outward-Looking: If someone else were looking at the piece, what might they learn about who you are? If someone else was looking at our finished piece, they'd learn that we tend to overshoot our goals by quite a bit-- in the end, our roller coaster looked literally NOTHING like our sketch. (It was actually kind of pathetic.)

Forward-Looking: What would you like to spend more time on in school? I would like to spend more time on photo editing. I would also like to explore more branches of science, such as toxicology. I would also like to explore video game design, since we didn't get to find out how to animate figures in Globaloria.

Image Link: What do you do with a sick chemist? Well if you can't helium and if you can't curium, then you may as well barium.


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