Circulatory System

                                                                                                       Functions: The circulatory system is a system of organs and tissues. It is also responsible for blood flow, nutrients, oxygen, and other gasses.

How it keeps you healthy:It keeps us healthy and alive by pumping blood and oxygen to all parts of our body.

Organs:The circulatory system has thousands of organs, such as : the heart, veins, arteries, and capillaries. 

  Who it works with:Respiratory system. It works by sending oxygen to all parts of our body.

Class activity:The class went outside where the teacher had drawn a heart, some lines(red and blue,) lungs, and body. We went around following those lines so we would know how the circulatory system works. We went around those lines going into the heart, into the right ventricle, then we went on into the left atrium, then into the right atruim then into the lungs then to the left ventricle and then to the body.

Fun Facts:

  • The circulatory system pumps blood to various parts of our body.  

    • The movement of blood is called circulation, probably how the system got it's name.                         

      • For every part of the body to work every comprising cell requires a myriad of nutrients of sugars, vitamins, minerals, and gases such as oxygen.

        • Our circulatory systems ensures that these vital molecules are delivered to every site or cell in our body.

                         THE END! 


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