Digestive System

                       Digestive System

Function:Our digestive system breaks food pieces down. 


Parts of the system:mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine.

Class activity: We went outside in the order of the parts of the digestive system with cards representing what the parts in the digestive system was, ex:I have a card that says 'mouth'. Then we went in the order of process of digesting. 1. I was the mouth, so first, crackers go into mouth, that is where digesting starts. 2. then teeth break it down. 3.tongue is putting saliva on the broken crackers to make it easier to digest. 4.food goes down the esophagus. 5. swallowed food lands in stomach. 6.digestive juices break the food chunks into even smaller pieces. 7. the smaller food pieces go into the small intestine, the small intestine is starting to get rid of liquids. 8.the food pieces go into the large intestine which separate the liquids even more until you have waste. 9. waste goes into the retcum. Final process - the waste goes into the colon.

Who it works with: The Respiratory, Circulatory Systems.

How it works with the systems: the digestive system is very close to the circulatory system so it can absorb nutrients that the circulatory system has picked up. The respiratory system activity allows the digestive system to function.

Fun Facts: The digestive system has 2 jobs: to get nutrients for our body and to get rid of waste. 

How we can have a healthy digestive system: We can have a healthy digestive system by eating a lot of healthy foods in general.







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