Weekly Blog 9|17|16 - Mitochondria/Cell Wars

Image result for how does the mitochondria make energySummary: During this week, I learned that the mitochondria's function was to make its own energy called adenosine triphosphate (ATP). I also learned that the mitochondria was the "powerhouse" of the cell. Another thing that I learned about the mitochondria was that the mitochondria uses a specific way of creating ATP called the electron transport chain. One other thing that I learned about the mitochondria is that the type of energy it makes (ATP) is a type of energy that every cell in our body can use.

SP3: Planning and carrying out investigations: I decided to collect data for our script in our Cell Wars project. The script is for our video that is due this Wednesday. The data will be used to show why our organelle (Golgi apparatus, named after a scientist, Camillo Golgi) is the best candidate for president of Cell-land (the previous president, Nobelius Nucleus had a "rapid decline in his health forcing him to decline").



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