Summary: During this week, our class was given a 'Cell Wars' project, where 'the president of cell-land' had a 'rapid decline' in his health and he was forced to resign. Our teacher gave us eight different options, and groups were formed based off of the organelle that we chose. I chose Golgi bodies (also known as the Golgi apparatus) and spent most of the week researching their function, smearing other candidates (basically just roasting). While I was researching, I found out that the Golgi apparatus was named after the Italian scientist (who is also a biologist, pathologist, physician, and Nobel laureate) Camillo Golgi.
SP1: Asking questions and defining problems
Over the week, I had a repeating question while smearing other candidates: does the Golgi apparatus cause any diseases? I found out that yes, the Golgi apparatus indeed can cause diseases. A terrible disease that the Golgi apparatus causes is Achondrogenesis, which is a group of "disorders that affect the cartilage and bone development".